Doggy Blues: Getting Help for Dog Depression and Other IssuesDoggy Blues: Getting Help for Dog Depression and Other Issues

About Me

Doggy Blues: Getting Help for Dog Depression and Other Issues

Welcome to my blog. My name is Ashley, and I love my dog Shelly more than anything in the world. I have had her for years, and I have helped her through a range of illnesses and emotional issues. After her brother, Yeats, died, Shelly became rather despondent. I didn't call the vet right away because I didn't realize the vet could help, but after a while, Shelly's mood didn't improve. I just didn't know what to do, so I called the vet. She was amazing. She explained that Shelly had depression, and she prescribed meds for it. Now Shelly and I are happier than ever, and to help others, I decided to start this blog about doggy emotional and physical health. I hope you enjoy it.

4 Ways Regular Grooming Helps Older Cats Stay Healthy

Many cats require little grooming since they can take care of everything themselves. However, this can change as they grow into their twilight years. If your cat is getting older, arranging regular grooming sessions can actually help avoid health issues to ensure they have the best quality of life possible. Here are just four ways grooming helps keep older cats healthy. 1. Helps Stimulate Circulation As your cat gets older, their skin will become thinner and lose some of its elasticity. Read More 

Does Your Bird Need A Check-Up At The Vet?

Birds are a common pet for millions of people around the world and yet many people still know very little about them. They are, after all, quite a varied type of animal with many different species popular as pets, and knowing the ins and outs of your pet bird is not as simple as it is with, say, a dog. Birds have much more subtle body language when problems arise, which is why it is so important that you, as their owner and caregiver, pay attention to these minor details. Read More 

What to Expect During Routine Veterinary Checkup

A pet is only as healthy as the amount of energy you put into its well-being. Unfortunately, some people only take their dogs to a vet when sick. Notably, waiting until your dog is sick before seeing a vet can be counterproductive. The reason is that some conditions take long before they begin showing any symptoms. Thus, it increases the possibility of discovering a disease when it is too late. In this regard, you should take wellness checkups seriously because they are necessary for maintaining your dog's optimal health. Read More