Doggy Blues: Getting Help for Dog Depression and Other IssuesDoggy Blues: Getting Help for Dog Depression and Other Issues

About Me

Doggy Blues: Getting Help for Dog Depression and Other Issues

Welcome to my blog. My name is Ashley, and I love my dog Shelly more than anything in the world. I have had her for years, and I have helped her through a range of illnesses and emotional issues. After her brother, Yeats, died, Shelly became rather despondent. I didn't call the vet right away because I didn't realize the vet could help, but after a while, Shelly's mood didn't improve. I just didn't know what to do, so I called the vet. She was amazing. She explained that Shelly had depression, and she prescribed meds for it. Now Shelly and I are happier than ever, and to help others, I decided to start this blog about doggy emotional and physical health. I hope you enjoy it.

How to Keep Your Dog Healthy

It's no wonder dogs are such a popular choice of pet; their playful, affectionate and often silly ways can add a great deal of joy to any household. However, they are also a huge responsibility and require a considerable amount of care in order to stay in good health. Read on to find out what steps you'll need to take to give your pooch the best possible chance of living a long and healthy life.

Give them a nutritious diet and daily exercise

Much like humans, dogs need to be active and eat a sensible diet to stay in good physical condition. A daily walk will not only serve as an outlet for their built-up energy, but will also prevent weight gain and keep their joints supple.

A balanced diet, with the correct amount of vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates and proteins is also crucial in order for your dog's body to function properly. Whilst some pet owners like to give their dogs the leftovers from their own meals, this food may not have the right combination of nutrients that a canine needs. This is why most vets recommend using food produced by pet food manufacturers.

It's worth trying out a few different brands and seeing what works best for your particular pet, as their age and any pre-existing health conditions they might have (such as kidney or heart issues) will have an effect on which food formulation is best for them.

Neuter or spay your dog

Neutering and spaying are terms used to describe the removal of a dog's reproductive organs, with the former being used for males and the latter for females. Whilst this might sound like a drastic procedure, it is in fact a very safe and routine operation, which has numerous health benefits for the animals that undergo it.

In female dogs, this surgery prevents pregnancy and thus all of the risks associated with giving birth. Additionally, as the ASPCA explains, it also reduces the likelihood of them contracting infections, and in both males and prevents several different types of cancers in both males and females.

Watch out for parasites

It's quite common for dogs to become infested with fleas, intestinal worms and other types of parasites. These infestations can have a serious impact on your dog's health, and as such, it's important to keep a watchful eye on your pet and look for indications that they might be suffering from this problem; possible symptoms include scratching, a reduced or increased appetite, changes in their behaviour or changes in the amount of water that they are drinking. If you notice any of these signs, bring your dog to your local vet clinic for an examination; the vet will be able to determine what the cause of the symptoms is and will be able to recommend a suitable treatment plan.