Doggy Blues: Getting Help for Dog Depression and Other IssuesDoggy Blues: Getting Help for Dog Depression and Other Issues

About Me

Doggy Blues: Getting Help for Dog Depression and Other Issues

Welcome to my blog. My name is Ashley, and I love my dog Shelly more than anything in the world. I have had her for years, and I have helped her through a range of illnesses and emotional issues. After her brother, Yeats, died, Shelly became rather despondent. I didn't call the vet right away because I didn't realize the vet could help, but after a while, Shelly's mood didn't improve. I just didn't know what to do, so I called the vet. She was amazing. She explained that Shelly had depression, and she prescribed meds for it. Now Shelly and I are happier than ever, and to help others, I decided to start this blog about doggy emotional and physical health. I hope you enjoy it.

Do You Need to Vaccinate an Indoor Cat?

If you're about to buy or adopt a cat and plan on keeping it indoors permanently, then you may not worry so much about its long-term health. After all, if your cat won't ever go out, it isn't likely to have a traffic accident, get into a fight with another cat or pick up any germs.

So, you may think that you don't need to have your cat vaccinated against common feline diseases. However, this isn't the case. Vaccinations are still important for indoor cats. Why?

Humans Bring in Bugs

While your indoor cat won't have any direct contact with other cats, this is no guarantee that your cat won't come into contact with viruses and bacteria. You and any visitors that come into your home could make your cat ill. This may be a higher risk if your friends and family have their own cats. They may transfer stuff from their cats into your home.

Some cat illnesses and conditions are airborne. So, if you pick up elements of a cat flu virus when you're out of the house, you could bring the virus back in. Other serious conditions like feline enteritis can be carried in on your shoes if you come into contact with it.

If your cat isn't vaccinated, then it is at more of a risk. It is more likely to get sick if it doesn't have the protection of common feline inoculations.

Your Cat Won't Always Be Indoors

You may not plan to let your cat outside, but there will be times when it will need to leave your home. These excursions may be planned or unplanned. For example, if you need to take your cat to the vet, then it might be exposed to sick animals and viruses. If you want to go on holiday and can't find a cat sitter, then you may decide to board your pet in a cattery for a couple of weeks. Again, it could get a lot of exposure to other cats in this environment.

Sometimes, indoor cats simply make a run for it and escape outside for a while through a door that's been left open accidentally. This may not happen that often, but even a short trip outside could be harmful to an unvaccinated cat.

So, don't assume that it's OK not to vaccinate your cat. Talk to your vet about the animal vaccinations your cat may need and how often it will need them.