Doggy Blues: Getting Help for Dog Depression and Other IssuesDoggy Blues: Getting Help for Dog Depression and Other Issues

About Me

Doggy Blues: Getting Help for Dog Depression and Other Issues

Welcome to my blog. My name is Ashley, and I love my dog Shelly more than anything in the world. I have had her for years, and I have helped her through a range of illnesses and emotional issues. After her brother, Yeats, died, Shelly became rather despondent. I didn't call the vet right away because I didn't realize the vet could help, but after a while, Shelly's mood didn't improve. I just didn't know what to do, so I called the vet. She was amazing. She explained that Shelly had depression, and she prescribed meds for it. Now Shelly and I are happier than ever, and to help others, I decided to start this blog about doggy emotional and physical health. I hope you enjoy it.

Can Your Dog Be Infected With COVID-19?

The ongoing SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic has undoubtedly made you more cautious about your own health and wellbeing. Your caution will extend to all the members of your family, including those with four legs. Although it's possible for a dog to be infected with SARS-CoV-2, in Australia it's a case of being alert, but not alarmed.

Isolated Events

It's natural for a dog parent to be alarmed about their beloved pet being exposed. There have been cases of pets, livestock, wild animals and zoo animals being infected with COVID-19, but these instances remain isolated events. In Australia, there haven't yet been any confirmed reports of an animal being infected with the virus. But since it's biologically possible for a dog (or other animals) to be infected, it's important to be aware of how best to keep your dog safe.

Human Precautions

Anyone attempting to apply standard human precautions to their dog will have the best intentions, but not all preventative measures are appropriate for dogs. No, your dog doesn't need to wear a face mask. Similarly, any topical antiseptic gels (hand sanitiser) you might have are formulated for human use. A dog's skin has a different pH level, meaning that any products intended for human skin will not be suitable for a dog, as it will dry their skin out. But there are some precautionary measures that are appropriate for dogs.

Avoiding Exposure

Your dog should avoid potential exposure to the virus. Just like you, your dog needs to avoid contact with anyone who has tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. Should your dog be exposed, they will still need to isolate. This means they must be kept at home, and should not be in close contact with anyone from outside your household (this includes both humans and other dogs). What if your dog starts demonstrating signs of illness?

Possible Symptoms

Symptoms of COVID-19 in dogs are somewhat similar to those in humans. Your dog may appear lethargic and feverish, with a noticeable discharge from their nose and eyes. Additionally, there can be vomiting and diarrhoea. Don't assume that these symptoms conclusively mean that your dog has been infected. Given the lack of cases in Australian animals, it's infinitely more likely that your dog has an unrelated illness. But given the potential SARS-CoV-2 infection, it's important to contact your vet.

Talk to Your Vet

You should contact your vet via telephone. Don't make an in-person appointment at this stage. Your vet will need to minimise the risk of virus transmission, so it's likely that they will recommend that your dog remains isolated, with their symptoms monitored. There is a SARS-CoV-2 for animals, but it's not widespread. Should your animal require care, a home visit may be more appropriate, with applicable safeguards in place. Ideally, your dog's symptoms (which may not have even been SARS-CoV-2) will subside, and any recommended isolation will no longer be necessary.

Yes, you should be cautious about your dog becoming infected with SARS-CoV-2, but this isn't a significant issue in Australia. As such, it's a case of being aware of the potential risk, instead of being too worried about it.